Monthly Newsletter
The online monthly newsletter features the latest stories about the college and is released by email on the first Tuesday of each month.
Yearly Roundup
Our annual magazine, Leading with Care, highlights the college’s strengths, progress on strategic priorities, and achievements of our outstanding students, faculty, staff, and alumni, who exemplify the caring professions.
Teacher Advocacy Forum Elevates the Voices of Classroom Teachers
The college recently hosted education professionals from across the state for a Teacher Advocacy Forum designed to elevate the voices of professional educators and discuss issues that matter most to classroom teachers. Teachers, state leaders, higher education...
Razorback Sports Medicine Symposium Focuses on Sport-Related Hip Injury Management and Rehabilitation
Sports medicine experts and students recently gathered at Hillside Auditorium for the 19th annual Razorback Sports Medicine Symposium, which focused on new information about hip injury evaluation, management and rehabilitation. The College of Education and Health...
Better Together: The College Collaborates with UAPB to Prepare ‘Day-One-Ready’ Teachers for Arkansas
The college recently hosted in Fayetteville 19 delegates from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, continuing a better-together-themed partnership focused on preparing "day-one-ready" teachers for Arkansas. UAPB Dean Kimberley Davis, along with six faculty...