Hughes Edits Journal Issue Focusing on Diversity Intelligence
Claretha Hughes edited the August issue of the academic research journal Advances in Developing Human Resources, which is one of the four top-tier journals of the Academy of Human Resource Development.
The issue focused on diversity intelligence, a concept in leadership development that Hughes has written extensively about in books and articles as a subcomponent of her expertise area of valuing people and technology in the workplace. Hughes is a professor of human resource and workforce development in the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas.
Diversity intelligence is the capability of individuals to recognize the value of workplace diversity and to use this information to guide thinking and behavior. The concept values the differences in employees without attempting to make everyone alike. It gives leaders the chance to reflect on their actions and behaviors toward all employees and to effectively implement new strategies.
Hughes described the theme of the issue in her preface, “The Role of HRD in Using Diversity Intelligence to Enhance Leadership Skill Development and Talent Management Strategy.” She also wrote the conclusion, “Diversity Intelligence as a Core of Diversity Training and Leadership Development,” and co-wrote an article titled “Exploring Leaders’ Discriminatory, Passive-Aggressive Behavior Toward Protected Class Employees Using Diversity Intelligence” with Lucy Brown, a clinical assistant professor of journalism in the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences.
Conra Gist, a former U of A assistant professor of childhood education, wrote an article titled “Human Resource Development for Racial/Ethnic Diversity: Do School Systems Value Teachers of Color?”
Hughes has written, co-written and co-edited seven books in the past seven years and is currently under contract for three additional books all related to her research agenda.