Arkansans for Gifted & Talented Education recently presented its 2022 Presidential Award to professor Marcia Imbeau.

Imbeau teaches graduate courses in gifted education and elementary education at the U of A. She also teaches at a local elementary school as a university liaison.

The AGATE award recognizes a person, organization or institution that has been a powerful influence in gifted education across the state. The independent organization’s president, Dustin Seaton, announced Imbeau’s award at the annual conference. He cited her 40-year career, which has been dedicated to gifted education. “Many in this room have been directly impacted by her teaching and gifted certification program, but we have all benefited from her service to gifted education in Arkansas and nationwide,” he said.

Seaton completed his certification in gifted education under Imbeau’s leadership 10 years ago. “She made me a better teacher, coordinator and practitioner in gifted and talented education,” he said of his mentor.

Imbeau has served as AGATE president, a board member for the National Association for Gifted Children and the governor at large for the Council for Exceptional Children’s Association for the Gifted Division. She received a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Hendrix College in 1976 before earning an M.Ed. in gifted education from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 1982. She earned a doctorate in the University of Connecticut’s Teaching the Talented Program in 1991.

Imbeau’s professional experience includes teaching elementary school and in programs for gifted students, serving as a field researcher for the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, and coordinating university-based and Saturday programs for advanced learners.

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