In the 1990s, Sandra Chacon’s older brother was one of just a few students in the Springdale School District who spoke Spanish only.

“My mother moved to the United States in her early 20s, and after years of saving, was able to bring my brother here when he was 13 years old,” she said. “Being an English learner in the 90s was so difficult that my mother decided she would raise my older sister and me in an English-only home in an attempt to save us from the struggles my brother endured.”

By the time she reached kindergarten, Chacon could speak English and Spanish interchangeably. She was regularly asked to translate for teachers and peers, and her dream of becoming a teacher was born.

“Helping students gave me purpose and brought me joy,” she said.

Chacon took a giant leap toward her dream last month when she graduated from the U of A with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She was one of 18 bilingual students to graduate as part of Project REACH, a federal grant program in the U of A College of Education and Health Professions. REACH stands for Retooling Educators and Paraprofessionals to ACHieve Teacher Credentialing.

REACH grant funding helped Chacon and her fellow graduates reach their goal of becoming a teacher without the financial burden. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition grant paid for their tuition, fees and textbooks.

Hailing from Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and Cambodia, they all participated in the program’s “Grow Your Own” initiative while working as paraprofessionals in the Springdale School District. The initiative’s mission is to address the disparity in teacher-student diversity.

“Tears of joy flowed down my cheeks as our REACH students crossed the stage to receive their diplomas,” said Diana Gonzales Worthen, Ph.D., Project REACH director and the principal investigator of the U.S. Department of Education grant. “Bilingual/bicultural paraprofessionals like Sandra are passionate about serving students and families, especially those who are new to the country and are learning English.”

Worthen said paraprofessionals are essential workers in school systems as they bridge language to academic content and serve as liaisons between parents, teachers, students, counselors and administrators. “Many have the desire to become teachers if given the opportunity,” she said.

Worthen said REACH built upon the paraprofessionals’ bilingual/bicultural assets and provided a new pathway of evening and online classes while partnering with the Northwest Arkansas Community College and the Springdale School District.

The program also received assistance from Christine Smart, a full-time academic adviser/mentor who’s an English as second language specialist. “Her involvement was critical as 100 percent of these students were first-generation college students, 94 percent former English learners and 81 percent working parents,” Worthen said. “As our schools become increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse, so too, must our teachers, counselors, administrators and media specialists. We have the talent and partnerships right here in our own backyard to grow your own.”

Smart was also thrilled to see these 18 students realize their goal of becoming certified classroom teachers.

“We’ve witnessed the struggles they’ve had and the sacrifices they’ve made while working and taking evening classes, and yet despite the obstacles, they excelled in their coursework and finished with a cohort GPA of 3.74,” she said. “They dared to dream, and with support, were able to turn those dreams into reality. They are our bilingual/bicultural superstars.”

In addition to assisting paraprofessionals with earning teacher licensure, Project REACH also helps certified K-6 teachers become ESL-endorsed (English as a Second Language). Participants also have an opportunity to earn a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) graduate certificate.

Chacon began taking a few college teacher education courses right after high school. She took a break when her youngest son was diagnosed with autism. Her hands were full as a mom and a support staff employee at Jones Elementary in Springdale. At Jones, she took opportunities to translate at parent-teacher conferences and in the classroom, helping teachers.

“The more I worked with children, the more I wanted to make school a safe place for all,” she said. “Working with English learners is more than working with just the students. It’s about working with their families as well. Being the bridge to the language barrier at work has shown me how important it is that I become a teacher.”

Even when she’s helping students or families who speak a language other than Spanish, Chacon said she’s still able to relate.

“I understand their struggle and how it can affect the way a person or student feels towards education,” she said. “I want to be the teacher that I and many others needed growing up and my classroom to be a space where students’ differences are celebrated and showcased as the gifts that they are.”

While progressing through her bachelor’s degree, Chacon taught at Westwood Elementary in Springdale, helping students – all English learners – who were having trouble with reading. Each had different needs.

“Working closely with my mentor teacher and my professors, I was able to work towards filling those gaps by pulling small groups of children together and individualizing their lessons,” she said.

Chacon is currently working in the Springdale School District’s summer school program to gain more experience. This fall, she’ll teach second grade at Bayyari Elementary. She’s excited to be hired by “the district that raised me.”

Chacon and the 17 other REACH graduates were recognized at a Springdale School District board meeting. Other graduates include Soklina Ross, Iveth Chacon (Sandra’s sister-in-law), Karina Lemus, Mariana Thiam, Ana Bolena Barragan and Fernando Barragan (mother and son), Kimberly Muller, Maria Angelica Alcala, Ziomara Velasquez, Victor Meza, Karen Gomez, Stephanie Espino Rico, Lila Hernandez, Annabel Hernandez, Dixie Lopez, Teresa Martinez and Rose Diaz.

So far, Project REACH has served 38 in-service teachers. Thirteen additional bilingual/bicultural paraprofessionals are enrolled in the “Grow Your Own” program. They will earn an associate’s or bachelor’s degree and become certified teachers with an ESL endorsement.

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