Volunteers are needed for a research study on faculty experiences in diversity-related courses, commonly called courses in multiculturalism, cultural foundations, cultural competence, diversity and/or social justice. You may be eligible to participate if you are at least 18 years old and a faculty member who has taught diversity classes.
As a participant, you will complete a short demographic questionnaire and two interviews (90 minutes each) conducted in person with a sand tray. The sand tray is a box of sand in which you can use miniatures and figurines to illustrate hou you think about and experience your self (identities, emotions, behaviors, relationships) and the world around you. You will receive up to $60 for completing the study.
Take the survey here to find out if you’re eligible.
Lorien Jordan, assistant professor
Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders
479-575-3385, lsjordan@uark.edu