More than 100 educators recently gathered for the inaugural Instructional Coaching Conference to hone their skills for supporting teacher learning.
The conference, held at Hellstern Middle School in Springdale, was sponsored by a WE CARE grant from the College of Education and Health Professions with support from the Northwest Arkansas Writing Project.
Vicki Collet, conference organizer and a professor in the college’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, noted that educators have frequent opportunities for professional learning about content and instructional strategies but less opportunity to focus on the role many play as coaches for teacher learning.
“Instructional facilitators, principals, team leaders, department chairs, mentors, and other school leaders all play a coaching role,” she said.
The conference included keynote addresses from:
- Jim Knight, Instructional Coaching Group founding senior partner
- September Gerety, Gerety Education owner
- Afton Schleiff, Fred Rogers Center International Cohort member
- Vicki Collet, U of A associate professor of curriculum and instruction
These keynoters provided morning and afternoon breakout sessions, along with graduate students enrolled in a course on coaching research, theory, and practice. Sessions included topics such as defining personal coaching values, developing mindsets for coaching, and leading effective coaching conversations.
Megan Chaffin, a curriculum and instruction doctoral student and conference committee member, said, “I can’t say enough about how wonderful this conference was for my professional growth. I was able to learn from well-known coaching scholars, engage with others who coach teachers in varying capacities, facilitate a breakout session for coaches, and handle some of the responsibilities for coordinating a successful event.”
Tina Moretz, conference attendee and Student Support Specialist at Leverett Elementary School in Fayetteville, said, “It was an outstanding conference. It validated my work and empowered me to soar to higher levels.”
Northwest Arkansas Writing Project is a professional organization focused on improving writing in area schools. As one of about 200 National Writing Project sites, it provides professional development for educators and young writers. For more information about Writing Project events, contact Collet at or visit