The Office of Financial Affairs created a financial innovators award known as the Financial Affairs Service and Innovation Award to recognize those throughout the university who make significant and lasting contributions to the university through bold, innovative and creative approaches to common, everyday university problems.

The award is open to any university faculty, non-faculty, academic, administrative or skilled crafts/service/maintenance employees who bring forward fresh ideas that lead to process efficiencies, cost savings and/or increased productivity. Each quarter, one employee will be selected to receive the award, and then at the end of the calendar year an annual award winner will be selected from the four quarterly winners.

We are pleased to announce the 2024 Q3 award winner as:

  • Brandi Maples, College of Education and Health Professions director of financial affairs

Maples currently serves as the College of Education and Health Professions’ director of financial affairs. Over her impressive 23 years at the university, she has become a recognized leader in finance and administration, earning respect not only within Financial Affairs but across the entire university.

In her role as the college’s budget and finance officer, Maples is responsible for preparing and maintaining the college’s budget, coordinating the hiring plan for the college, reviewing grant cost-sharing proposals and overseeing the college’s financial reporting. Beyond her official duties, Maples is known for her willingness to share her expertise, solve problems and recommend best practices. 

In addition to being awarded the 2024 Q3 FASI, Maples was recently named a COEPH Superior Staff Service Award winner recognizing her outstanding service to the university, particularly her contributions to designing and testing a new budget reporting tool.

“Brandi is the foundation for all financial processes in the College of Education and Health Professions,” said Paul Calleja, the college’s associate dean of administration. “She has effectively managed the college’s finances for more than two decades. Most would agree that there is no financial question or problem that Brandi can’t answer or solve. Her expertise and innovation with financial systems are known across campus. She has served on various university committees to test new financial software and processes, assisting in streamlining work for campus employees. Brandi has also guided other colleges as they have explored changes to their financial procedures. As a person who works with Brandi daily, I have had the opportunity to see her financial prowess in action. She is, without a doubt, the best of the best! I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this award.”

Financial Affairs thanks Maples for her daily hard work and invaluable contributions to the university. Please join us in congratulating Maples on this well-earned recognition!

If you know of an employee deserving of recognition for our next FASI award, we would love to hear about them. Please email your FASI nominations to Ann Gearity at

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